Monday, March 23, 2009


I didnt do much this weekend for my Grad Project. My dog just came home from his surgrey and I really didnt have much drive to write or play anything. But this week I will make up for lost time.

Monday, March 16, 2009

pen and paper

For while I have been involved in the city high drama club and this year was our biggest turn out. We were really busy. I didnt have much to time practice or write anything musically. But I decided to pick up a note book and write down lyrics and ideas over the 3 weeks i was at the theatre. I wrote a total of 16 songs. But i also have bits and pieces i started but havent finished. The finished product has a star next to it and the ones i need to come back to have a X. Since drama club has sadly come to an end I am going back to my lessons every week resusming this thursday. I have a lot of material to show. So all is good. I am going to continue writing in the notebook. It is easy and I have it with me always just in case i have an idea and i dont want to forget it later.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Block to Overcome

In the last few days I have been suffereing from writers block. I couldnt get a thing out of my head. I was dry and had no ideas. Nothing to work with. I drew a blank everytime I got a piece of paper or picked up my guitar. I then found a way to fix that. Two different styles to actually. The first was to learn something new. I actually did that in Mr. Olivers class. When we were discussing religion I got inspired. The songs I got from that are very controversal and my song testers (couple of friends and teachers) thought that they were some of my best work. The other way that I use to get over writers block is a music strike. I stop listening to music for a few days. Nothing. So I can have time to think of my own. Put more thought into it. So I wouldnt play or think of another song when writing. Overall I am at a good point in my projecct. I just finished my anotations on my Webliography and I am starting to look at more sites.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Do you know about the Did you Knows?

O man
I have no idea what the "Did you knows" are.
Like I have no clue how to start it or what to do.
I am caught up on everything else
So that is good i guess
My collage was good, or at least i think so
I really want to finish the "Did You Knows" before sunday
Cause I dont plan on working sunday


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday again. I go back to my lesson. I have been going there for a while, even though I started off being self taught. I wanted to know more. It is great. Each week I write as much as I can. Then I pick my favorite from that week. I bring it in and they work with me. They throw ideas at me and give me tips and suggestions. I will see what happens today. I am still not sure what song to pick. It is between Nuculear Family or Not Enough.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Putting the Pieces Together

Yesterday I went to my guitar teacher Ron and he said that I could interview him or any of the employee's of Pittsburgh Guitars. I worked with him and I came up with a few plans on what to do with two different songs. He gave me some advice on how to handle the song writing process. He said that it is a great idea, to feel the accomplishment of having your own material is great he said. I am not backing out of this. I finsihed the song just another war story and I am planning on getting the chords for the verse done tonight. The chours is finished. I started I new one this morning, my bloody heart. I am giving my attention to that right now. Trying to think of how I want it to flow.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Brainstormville, population=Me

Today is Thurday, I go to Pittsburgh Guitars and practice with my friend and teacher Ron. He said the project was a great idea. He is going to work on some of the songs I have come up with. I have around 20 rough draft songs finsihed. But before I step into a studio I have to have a set 12 in stone. It takes hundereds of tries to find just the right 12. Last night I wrote my favorite so far, its called Just Another War Story. Some of the titles for other songs are Corruption, Personal Philsophy, Glance and Dancing Silhouettes. I am still thinking of new ones everyday. So this is still the brain storming process, and I will be here for a while....