Friday, February 6, 2009

Block to Overcome

In the last few days I have been suffereing from writers block. I couldnt get a thing out of my head. I was dry and had no ideas. Nothing to work with. I drew a blank everytime I got a piece of paper or picked up my guitar. I then found a way to fix that. Two different styles to actually. The first was to learn something new. I actually did that in Mr. Olivers class. When we were discussing religion I got inspired. The songs I got from that are very controversal and my song testers (couple of friends and teachers) thought that they were some of my best work. The other way that I use to get over writers block is a music strike. I stop listening to music for a few days. Nothing. So I can have time to think of my own. Put more thought into it. So I wouldnt play or think of another song when writing. Overall I am at a good point in my projecct. I just finished my anotations on my Webliography and I am starting to look at more sites.

1 comment:

  1. Don't force yourself to write. I understand that you are under a lot of pressure currently, but as an artist you have to understand that the poetry of your creations comes when its ready. You just have to give it time.
