Friday, January 30, 2009

Do you know about the Did you Knows?

O man
I have no idea what the "Did you knows" are.
Like I have no clue how to start it or what to do.
I am caught up on everything else
So that is good i guess
My collage was good, or at least i think so
I really want to finish the "Did You Knows" before sunday
Cause I dont plan on working sunday


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday again. I go back to my lesson. I have been going there for a while, even though I started off being self taught. I wanted to know more. It is great. Each week I write as much as I can. Then I pick my favorite from that week. I bring it in and they work with me. They throw ideas at me and give me tips and suggestions. I will see what happens today. I am still not sure what song to pick. It is between Nuculear Family or Not Enough.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Putting the Pieces Together

Yesterday I went to my guitar teacher Ron and he said that I could interview him or any of the employee's of Pittsburgh Guitars. I worked with him and I came up with a few plans on what to do with two different songs. He gave me some advice on how to handle the song writing process. He said that it is a great idea, to feel the accomplishment of having your own material is great he said. I am not backing out of this. I finsihed the song just another war story and I am planning on getting the chords for the verse done tonight. The chours is finished. I started I new one this morning, my bloody heart. I am giving my attention to that right now. Trying to think of how I want it to flow.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Brainstormville, population=Me

Today is Thurday, I go to Pittsburgh Guitars and practice with my friend and teacher Ron. He said the project was a great idea. He is going to work on some of the songs I have come up with. I have around 20 rough draft songs finsihed. But before I step into a studio I have to have a set 12 in stone. It takes hundereds of tries to find just the right 12. Last night I wrote my favorite so far, its called Just Another War Story. Some of the titles for other songs are Corruption, Personal Philsophy, Glance and Dancing Silhouettes. I am still thinking of new ones everyday. So this is still the brain storming process, and I will be here for a while....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

dude light bulbs!!! going off!!! in my head!!!

Ok. I have researched my topic (Song writing). It isnt has easy as I thought. Not that I was looking for an easy A. But I thought it would be simple. Song writers, they write hunderds of song. And when they come to the recording process, they pick there best and record. They pick there favorites by which one's people like better. When I have around 10 songs I like I will post them on here. Lyrics only and I will have them in a poll. I will let people vote on which one they like best. Then I will write another 10 and so on. Until I have at aleast 10 final songs. I really want to go with music. But after I pick the songs and write the music and record. I am not sure what to do with my material. Either go to my local radio station and try to play on the radio or get it played. I could also try to get it sold at a local music store. But these are just starting ideas. I have to go over it with ms savieto

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am still hung up on the music idea. I really am excited about it and have been writing about it ever since I came up with it. But the other day Zinga approached me and told me I should change my idea to Photography and cover what I am doing at the Silver Eye Gallery. I thought about that already and I knew that I didnt want to do it cause it isn't going to last long, and I want to take music a step further. He told me that I never finish anything. That I should stick to what I know. But I know music and photography. My photography teacher told me that she agreed with zinga that I should change. But I feel that I am already doing contests and I have taken my photography to the next level. But not music. I still have a feeling for the guitar idea. But ever since zinga said what he said I am doubtful.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Starting off

I have started on my first song on the album. It is called throw a fist. It sounds a bit out there. But it is fun to write. It is flowing very naturally and I am happy to be doing this. I cant wait to just see my finsihed product. But I have a long way to go.

New Idea

I have an idea.
I have been involved with music and playing the guitar for the last 2 years, and I should do my project on something I like and know. I have written a few songs in the last few months. Just for fun you know. But I think that I can maybe try to figure out a few more and try to record them onto a CD. I think it would be a great idea. But I thought that it would be even better that after I was done recording the songs (just guitar) that I should find other students that are are gifted in music that would want to incorporate onto the CD (not sure yet). If I have anytime left over after the making of the CD I thought that I should pick my favorite song and make a music video. I dont know if I am going on the top at all. But it is a start. And I think I solid idea. In my neighberhood at the music store "Pittsburgh Guitars" a friend of mine there has a recording studio at his house and I would be able to use it. It is something that I have been wanting to do for a while now. So I think I'm going to go for it. I love nothing more than music.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Post 1/6/09

A. I have heard a lot of the Graduation Projects. I have heard two main things about it. The first is that it is the hardest project I will ever have to do at City High. Second is that it is a long long long process. I know about the projects people have done. My favorite was the student that did his on funerals. I cannot remember his name. But the detail in his powerpoint was great. He covered every type. It was great how he knew so much about his topic. People who go through with the Graduation Project learn more about the subject and show what they are interested in. At the same time showing more about themselves.

B. I have a great interest in 2 main subjects. They have nothing to deal with each other and that is my weak point in this project. It also hurts me because they are the two career fields I would like to go into. The first is I enjoy animals. I volunteer at the Pittsburgh Zoo and I am trying to get involved in the Humain Society. The second is music. I love nothing more than music. I play 2 different instruments. I play guitar and bass. I enjoy playing and writing my own music. I love learning about the history of musicians and there music. I would like nothing more than to be involved in the music industry. But I thought that I might focus something around a subject I dont know much about. So I think I might go with religion. It is a very interesting topic. More people have died in the name of God than in any war. I find that to be shocking.

C. I have conerns that I will I be left behind. Like I will lose my focus and fall behind. I will dig myself into a hole again. That is why I fail most of the time. Because I fall behind. I give my attention to other things and I lose sight of what is really important. Other than that I have no fears of this project
