Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Post 1/6/09

A. I have heard a lot of the Graduation Projects. I have heard two main things about it. The first is that it is the hardest project I will ever have to do at City High. Second is that it is a long long long process. I know about the projects people have done. My favorite was the student that did his on funerals. I cannot remember his name. But the detail in his powerpoint was great. He covered every type. It was great how he knew so much about his topic. People who go through with the Graduation Project learn more about the subject and show what they are interested in. At the same time showing more about themselves.

B. I have a great interest in 2 main subjects. They have nothing to deal with each other and that is my weak point in this project. It also hurts me because they are the two career fields I would like to go into. The first is I enjoy animals. I volunteer at the Pittsburgh Zoo and I am trying to get involved in the Humain Society. The second is music. I love nothing more than music. I play 2 different instruments. I play guitar and bass. I enjoy playing and writing my own music. I love learning about the history of musicians and there music. I would like nothing more than to be involved in the music industry. But I thought that I might focus something around a subject I dont know much about. So I think I might go with religion. It is a very interesting topic. More people have died in the name of God than in any war. I find that to be shocking.

C. I have conerns that I will I be left behind. Like I will lose my focus and fall behind. I will dig myself into a hole again. That is why I fail most of the time. Because I fall behind. I give my attention to other things and I lose sight of what is really important. Other than that I have no fears of this project


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